Ok so as I sit at my computer, fresh out of rehearsal in preperation for my tour in London...I ponder the state of the music industry and I just had to get some things out, let me know if you feeling me on this.
I always here people say "I'mma bring hip hop back"...my question is "Bring hip hop back to what? The 80's..the 90's?" NO how about we bring hip hop forward. Pardon me for quoting Maino just then but he had an excellent point. I'll take it further, why stop at hiphop. I'm a rapper, sure but I write/produce/perform rock, pop, jazz, & classical as well as hip hop.
What i'm getting at is what happened to the days when niggas were serious about there craft and wanted to be great at everything..not just rapping or singing. I'm talking about true musicians like Curtis Mayfield and Willie Hutch and Quincy Jones...these guys wrote every note, every lick, and could play just about every instrument you heard. I'm not saying bring the 70's back, but why does our generation feel that they've become great because they can beat everyone in their class in a freestyle battle.
If you have the TALENT to be a great freestyler..why not take it further, become a great writer and all around better musician. You'd be surprised at how much you can do if you put forth the effort to try.
I started off as a classical musician, I play the cello. I became great at that and then I became a great producer, then a songwriter, then a rapper, then a great designer...now I've gotten so bold as to start playing guitar and piano.
And i'mma leave on one note...one more mothafrickin note lol...let's bring back originality, it's like niggas are afraid to be different. People hate on 808's & Heartbreaks but i respect Ye for TRYING to be different...niggas may not feel my shit but I'mma stay left field if it kills me. And in speaking on originality, I'd like to point out a few people who I think are wildly original and that you all need to check out and give some credit to.
The Silverrust
B.O.B aka Bobby Ray
Cameron Cloman (ok shameless plug)
Stacy Epps
Polos & Shelltoes (coming soon..shameless plug #2)
Suburban District (I just recently discovered them, check them out)
Kid Cudi (not the dopest lyricist at all, and I dont like the skinny jeans but ask urself when was the last time you heard anything that sounded like this...exactly)
N.E.R.D (need I say more)